
August 12, 2024 at 11:05 AM

Mini Excavator Training

Knowledge is key to be the best in the business and the safety of our employees is of utmost importance at AEI. We are continuously training our teams so that they are not only equipped to handle their day-to-day tasks but the safest as well. AEI has not one, but two certified instructors on staff, Kevin Payne and Bhrett Jones. They work with all field crews on earth moving equipment (EME), telehandlers, forklifts, and mobile elevated work platforms (MEWP). Each member of the team goes through a rigorous training process. Once completed, they are officially certified to work and operate these large machines. Today was hands-on learning for safety and controls of a mini excavator. AEI installs all underground conduit for site lighting, primary, secondary, and fire alarm with this machine. It is important that all field members are comfortable operating these machines. The more we train and practice the better they become. We never stop wanting to learn more!

Mini Excavator Training